Australasian Neonatal Medicines Formulary (ANMF)

The drug guidelines and other documents in the Australasian neonatal Medicines Formulary (ANMF) are produced after thorough review of the literature relevant to the use of each drug in the neonate.  They are constructed with a view to use of the medications within the New South Wales legal framework and within the medical environment of Newborn Intensive Care.  The guidelines are reviewed on a regular basis, but there is no claim that all current regulatory or safety warnings have been added.  Care should be taken that the most up to date version of ANMF is being used.  Although all care is taken in the production of these guidelines, no responsibility is accepted regarding the use of ANMF and no liability is accepted to any consequences resulting from following the recommendations of this product.

PLEASE NOTE:  Formularies marked with an asterisk (*) are for exclusive use within the Neonatal Services Division at the Royal Hospital for Women and have not been reviewed by ANMF group.

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© The State of New South Wales (NSW Health) 2019.

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The State of New South Wales accepts no responsibility for any modification, redistribution or use of the formulary or any part thereof. The formulary is expressly intended for use by NSW Health staff when performing duties and delivering health care for, and on behalf of, NSW Health.

Under no circumstances will the State of New South Wales, its employees or agents, be liable for any loss, injury, claim, liability or damages of any kind resulting from the unauthorised use of, or reliance upon the formulary or its contents.

For any content related matters on this section, please contact RHW Neonatal Services Division, Dr Srinivas Bolisetty.