Leaving a gift to Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital

Many of our supporters choose to leave a bequest to us in their will. Areas of benefit include:
• general medicine
• Ophthalmology
• Research
• education
• Hand Surgery
• Nursing
• Medical
• Allied Health

Your contribution can be a fixed amount or a percentage of your estate. You can nominate to assist in the general provision of our services or your bequest can be directed towards a specific unit, project or type of service.

Bequest Wording

It is important that your bequest is worded correctly. You may wish to seek advice from the solicitor who is preparing your Will. You may also specify what unit within the hospital you would like your bequest to assist. Please contact (02) 93827490 to confirm the correct name of the unit you are choosing to assist.

The hospital is support by 2 Foundations. The Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation and the Sydney Hospital Hand Foundation.