Strategies For Healthy Ageing (2019)



Positive Ageing Forum: 30 October 2019
Older Persons' Mental Health Service
Eastern Suburbs Mental Health Services


To view the presenters' PowerPoint slides, please click on the titles below the flyerSTRATEGIES FOR HEALTHY AGEING (2019)

MARUS RILEY - Ageing Well

RICHARD GRELLMAN AM - Strategies for Being a Carer


TRACEY CLARK - Strategies for Successful Sex

DAVID CODEY - Strategies for Finance

PROFESSOR HENRY BRODATY - Strategies for Maintaining Memory and Brain Health


For view presentations from previous forums, please go to 
Older Persons' Mental Health Service's - Annual Positive Ageing Forums 


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Thank you to our sponsors:

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District, CHeBA, Dementia Collaborative Research Centre, The Juniors, Waverley Small Grant Program and the Psychogeriatric Nurse’s Association.