Hundreds of people with cancer and rare genetic diseases may still be able to have children thanks to a new statewide fertility centre launched at the Royal Hospital for Women by The

The Royal Hospital for Women has recently introduced two first-of-its-kind positions to increase the number of Indigenous midwives within the healthcare system.

Spending Easter away from loved ones is hard on patients however a team of volunteers brought a little bit of sweetness to those doing it tough at the Royal Hospital for Women,

International Women’s Day was celebrated in style at the Royal Hospital for Women on Friday 8 March 2019 with staff, patients and their families, gathering in the Postnatal Ward for

All SESLHD staff and families are invited to take part in the inaugural Coogee Courage Multisport Festival.

Australian Olympic swimmer Marieke D’Cruz gave birth to baby Camille last year at just 31 weeks at the Royal Hospital for Women.