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ED Muso members
08 Apr 2022

We often think of Emergency Department workers as A-type personalities who like canyoning, skydiving and mountain climbing on the weekends, but having to constantly think on their feet in stressful situations…

Two female staff smiling
08 Apr 2022

This year marks 15 years since the Council of Australian Governments made a commitment to Close the Gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in health and social emotional wellbeing outcomes.

Staff enjoying a coffee in front of the coffee cart
08 Apr 2022

National Doctors Day was celebrated in style at the Royal Hospital for Women, with special gifts for doctors, and free coffees for all staff.  

Staff member holding a gelato
08 Apr 2022

Here’s the scoop, hospital staff enjoyed chilling out with a scrumptious ice cream cone over the past fortnight. The cool treats were just one way of saying thank you to our staff for their unwavering efforts over the past two years.


Close up of two people using an iPad
11 Mar 2022

In the past, if a farmer from Dorrigo in Northern NSW had a heart attack, after he had recovered, he would have had to physically pack a CD of his MRI scans in his bags before he travelled to Sydney for follow up care with…

Staff and patient using the Smileyscope
11 Mar 2022

Purchasing an antique vase or a second-hand dress from the St George Hospital Op Shop doesn’t just increase your street-cred but also helps purchase much-needed medical equipment.

The Op-Shop, run entirely by a group of dedicated…

Two physiotherapy graduates standing next to one another
11 Mar 2022

Twenty nine new graduate Allied Health professionals have begun their careers with SESLHD in the past month across our hospitals and health services.

“We are excited to welcome all of the new…

Staff cutting a ribbon to officially open the lounge
01 Mar 2022

The much anticipated Dharawal Aboriginal Carers Lounge at Sutherland Hospital has officially opened.

Vicki Weeden, General Manager The Sutherland Hospital said everyone at the…

Dr Steve Korbel with the new ultrasound machine in St George Hospital’s Emergency Department.
01 Mar 2022

St George and Sutherland hospitals each recently received $250,000 thanks to a generous donation from the Mortdale Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The funds will be put toward much-needed medical equipment ranging from…

New mum holding her baby in front of the hospital’s baby wall, along with a staff member holding a love heart against the wall
28 Feb 2022

What better day to join St George Hospital’s newly formed ‘Little Hearts Club’ than Valentine’s Day?

Baby Emmelia Smaraydi Tsakalakis, born on Sunday 13 February sparked a new, powerful love for proud…