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At the ceremony – Kevin, Simone and their family with Prince of Wales Hospital staff
03 Aug 2020

Prince of Wales Hospital’s oncology staff were recently honoured to help fulfil patient Kevin Warner’s dream of getting married to his partner, Simone.

With just a few days’ notice, and thanks to the support of Dreams2Live4 – a not for…

A baby playing upside down on a street
29 Jul 2020

When starting a family it’s important to optimise your health – to give your baby the best start in life. Planning, Lifestyle & Nutrition (PLaN) is a free pre-pregnancy planning clinic, led by…

Pictured: Leah Barthel (donor family member) and Patricia Scheetz (transplant recipient) standing in front of the donor memorial at St George Hospital.
29 Jul 2020

The NSW Organ & Tissue Donation Service unveiled a very special memorial at St George Hospital to commemorate deceased organ and tissue donors recently - a beautiful large window decal, located within the hospital near the Intensive Care Unit…

Aboriginal health workers Wendy Bunn and Melissa Cawley with SESLHD's Chief Executive Tobi Wilson.
29 Jul 2020

The Narrangy-Booris Building Strong Foundations Aboriginal Child and Family Health service at Menai celebrated their 10-year anniversary recently with a small gathering to mark the significant milestone.

Staff involved in the Wellness Check program standing outside War Memorial Hospital
20 Jul 2020

As soon as restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were introduced in March, staff at War Memorial Hospital (WMH) took action to ensure older clients living in the community continued to take care of their health and wellbeing.

Hurstville Community Health Centre COVID-19 Testing Clinic team members
17 Jul 2020

Hurstville Community Health Centre COVID-19 Clinic is the first community-based coronavirus testing clinic to be established in South East Sydney. Since opening its doors to the community in April, the busy clinic has tested a whopping 4,…

The winning team – Prince of Wales Hospital’s Dietetics Department
17 Jul 2020

The Dietetics Department at Prince of Wales Hospital proved their expertise goes beyond food and nutrition, taking out the top prize for the ‘Bare Below the Elbows’ video competition.

Nicki Cooley (Clinical Nurse Specialist) & Alexandra Read (Nurse Manager, Child and Family Health) running an online mothers’ group
03 Jul 2020

Thanks to our devoted and fast-working teams, new parents across SESLHD have continued to receive ongoing support throughout the COVID-19 pandemic without missing a beat.

Child and Family Health provides services for parents and children…

Deployed staff holding a koala and looking at destroyed bush area in the Southern Highlands
03 Jul 2020

So far, 2020 has seen our communities and staff face extraordinary challenges – some which are still unfolding – with compassion and resilience. Earlier this year, our district deployed a number of staff to communities on the South Coast which…

Staff members smiling showing their heart on their hand
03 Jul 2020

Heart for Her is a new digital campaign driving awareness and attracting essential funds for women’s health at the Royal Hospital for Women.
The hospital’s foundation, which is heading up the campaign, is urging the community to…