About us

The East Coast Medical Network is suppored by a dedicated team of staff, including the network director of physician education, a medical education support officer and five directors of physican education based at the network sites.   

We truly believe that your years as a basic physician trainee are formative.  The time you invest now in your own education and growth will be rewarded in spades and lays the foundation for a successful career.  The bond that you form with your cohort and peers will last a lifetime.  It is a privilege for us to help guide you through this process and we look forward to working with you.


Your wellbeing is important to us

  • We aim to provide a supportive and enriching environment for you to both work and study.
  • We work hard to influence and reduce organisational stressors on our trainees
  • Our staff are approachable, friendly and supportive of your needs
  • Mentors are assigned to all new BPTs
  • The Ripe program will assist you in making the transition from resident to registrar
  • Monthly free social lunch and the 'Staying on Target' social activity help to connect you with your peers  

The Network Governance Committee (NGC) ensures safe, high quality training for BPTs through good governance and management of the Network and its training program by providing:

  • An opportunity for network stakeholders (trainees, DPEs and administrators) to participate actively in the governance of the training network.
  • A forum for discussion of ideas and strategies to improve training or remedy identified deficiencies at a local level
  • A locus of accountability for BPTs within the network
  • Support for the Network Director of Physician Training
  • Transparent and equitable network governance and management; to include reporting on its operations and expenditure to the Ministry of Health and through the NSW Physician Training Council.

Your opinion and feedback play a big role in shaping the training program and workforce conditions of all BPTs. It is crucial that your voice is heard. We will seek your input in a number of ways, through surveys, questionnaires and meetings 

  • Term allocation survey via SurveyMonkey
  • End of term surveys via SurveyMonkey
  • tutorial evaluation forms
  • weekly registrars meeting 
  • Network Governance Committee meetings