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About Womens and Childrens Health

Member for

6 years 11 months
Submitted by rod.isaacs on Fri, 31/12/2021 - 17:55

Welcome to St George Hospital Women’s and Children’s Health. Please click on the sections below or on the right for more information. 

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Location Details
Contact us
02 9113 1111
Street address
Gray St, Kogarah, NSW 2217
Location Media

-33.9676303, 151.1334852

Meta Description
Women’s and Children’s Health, St George Hospital, Kogarah

St George Hospital is located on Gray Street in Kogarah, NSW 2217

  • General Hospital number: 9113 1111.
  • Gynaecology ward: 9113 2667.
  • Antenatal clinic
    • To book your first appointment: 9113 2162 or click here 
    • To change appointments: 9113 1495.
  • Birth unit: 9113 2125.
  • Maternity ward (antenatal and postnatal ward): 9113 3145.
  • Breastfeeding and Lactation Information and Support Service: 9113 2053.
  • Special Care Nursery: 9113 2558.
  • Paediatrics (Children’s Ward): 9113 1925.

A tour of the maternity/women’s and children’s health services

Follow this link to watch a virtual tour of the whole of St George Hospital. This is available in multiple languages.

We have services to help you find your way.

Do you need an interpreter?

Professional interpreters are available if you need help to communicate with staff. Our staff can also ask for an interpreter. The service is free and confidential. We will book the interpreter for you in person or over the phone. Some family members like to interpret for you, but we prefer to have a health care interpreter present as they can explain things you may not understand. You can also call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 if you need to speak to us before your appointment.

Cross Cultural Workers 

Cross Cultural Workers in Maternity & Child & Family Health Services provide a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL service for women and families from migrant and refugee backgrounds, and international students who are birthing and/or using child and family health services in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. For more information click here.

At St George Hospital, we are committed and passionate about supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have better access to culturally appropriate healthcare now, and in the future. 

New Directions is a program that enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to be cared for by the same midwife with the support of an Aboriginal Health worker. Care is provided throughout pregnancy and up to 14 days after the birth of the baby.

Looking after yourself is important for all new parents during pregnancy and after the birth. Catching up on sleep when you can during the day will help you with the sometimes-difficult nights. It can often be hard to accept help when it is offered but people who you know, and trust understand how hard this newborn period can be. Giving you time for sleep, helping with other children and housework, or providing a meal can help you manage the needs of a new baby and feeding. Ask your partner or support person to cuddle your baby after a feed or take your baby for a walk in the pram or sit with the baby while you sleep, shower, or have a break for yourself. Partners also need support. Things will get easier.

Feelings of sadness and/or worry are common in pregnancy and for the first year following the birth. If you find yourself feeling sad or anxious, please seek help. Your midwife, Child and Family Health nurse and GP are all good people to talk to and can refer you for further help if needed. The following websites have information and support for both parents:

We recommend all women at St George read the following brochures:

What to do if you are concerned about yourself or a loved one?    

  • If you are, please talk to staff. You know yourself, or the person you care about, the best. We encourage patients, carers, and family members to let us know when ‘something isn’t right’. Please tell us if you are worried about your condition, or the condition of a family member or friend.
  • If you are admitted to the Hospital, we encourage you to use the ‘REACH’ program to help you escalate any concerns. 
  • Here is how to ask for help:
    • Talk to your midwife or doctor about your concern.
    • If you are still worried after this discussion, ask for a ‘clinical review’. This should take place within 30 minutes and is usually attended to by the person in charge of the ward.
    • If you are still worried, make a REACH call by calling 32213 from a Hospital phone OR calling 9113 2213 from your mobile.
  • For more information click here

  • Speak with your midwife/doctor at your next appointment.
  • Do you need an interpreter? Professional interpreters are available and are free. Talk to staff about this or call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 if you need to speak to us before your appointment.
  • The following resources have more information about pregnancy, labour, birth, and what to expect after having a baby. We encourage you to use these resources:

St George Hospital provides this information on the understanding that all people accessing it take responsibility for assessing its relevance and accuracy. Women are encouraged to discuss their health needs with a health practitioner. If you have concerns about your health, you should seek advice from your health care provider or if you require urgent care you should go to the nearest Emergency Department.

This website has been developed with input from women and consumers at St George Hospital. St George Hospital also acknowledges Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD.

We are always looking for ways to improve our website, please use this link if you would like to provide feedback.