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Workplace-based Assessments (WBA)

Hi everyone,

I would like to introduce myself in the role of the POW Local Work Based Assessment (WBA) Co-ordinator.

My aim in this role is to help guide you through what is required from an ACEM WBA point of view and help you schedule these assessments.
As part of this I send out regular excel spreadsheets with the WBAs undertaken during the term and what is due by the end of the term.

One of the most important things to note here is that the Excel sheets I undertake lay out the minimal WBA requirement over the course of 1 term.

It is not your Anniversary date. You need to find out your Anniversary date from ACEM which is the date you first become an AT in ACEM’s eyes. This is the date by which ACEM reviews your progress and decides to pass or remediate you (Remediation = repetition of 3-6 months of training and also = something we want to avoid).

Annie (POW ED JMO Co-ordinator) or I will send out a roster for each term linking you to a Clinical Support (CS) consultant and a WBA at least twice during your term to cover a CBD (Case based Discussion) and Mini-CEX (Clinical examination).

DOPS and Shift reports are opportunistic. Please inform the Consultant on the floor at the start of the shift that you need these so they can also look out for the chance to undertake them.

We have incorporated the ACEM WBA requirements (rate of completion and complexity required) and an orientation book to Emergency Fellowship training into this page. I also send these out as reminder at the beginning of each term.


The aim of the term is to do as many WBAs as you can with a varied consultant group so you get a myriad of ways to address cases.

The aim of WBAs is to provide you with the ability to learn that there are a number of ways to undertake an action, allows you to consolidate the different methods and create a process that works best for you as a practitioner.

Please be proactive - the more you put in, the more you gain from WBAs. I found them extremely useful as a trainee as it is not often you get the opportunity as a practising physician to be observed while on the job and provided with constructive feedback and pearls of wisdom.

I am always available to help you navigate the requirements or field any questions.

Looking forward to working with you all,

Dr Prianca Prabhakar