Respiratory, Sleep Medicine and Chest Clinic - Information for Health Professionals

We diagnose and support people with respiratory and sleep problems.


Attending Specialist

Description of Clinic

Respiratory and sleep clinic

Monday 12.15pm

Dr Elizabeth Brown, Respiratory and sleep physician

Special interests in cystic fibrosis and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) research including recruitment for a multicentre trial of mandibular advancement splint and other trials of novel treatments for OSA.

Respiratory and sleep disorders clinic

Tuesday 9.00am

Dr Chaminda Lewis, Respiratory and sleep physician

Clinic includes both general respiratory and sleep with a special focus on non-invasive ventilation (NIV), spinal cord injury and neuromuscular diseases.

Special interests in interstitial lung disease (ILD), pleural disease, endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), sleep medicine, NIV in complex patients with spinal injuries and neuromuscular disorders.

Tuberculosis clinic (Chest)

Wednesday 9.00am

Dr Milton Micallef, Consultant 

Services include diagnosing and managing active TB, screening for latent TB infection (LTBI) among health care workers, those exposed to TB, migrants and the immune suppressed and treating LTBI, organising radiology surveillance as well as  BCG vaccination service. 

A referral is needed from the nurse’s clinic.

Respiratory and sleep clinic

Thursday 8.30am

Prof Paul Thomas, Respiratory and sleep physician

Professor Thomas has a particular interest in sarcoidosis. He also sees patients with other immunological diseases of the lung, severe asthma, COPD and lung cancer.  He is also an international expert on diving medicine.

Respiratory and sleep clinic

Thursday 1.00pm

Dr Nicholas Murray, Respiratory and sleep Physician, Head of Department

General respiratory and sleep medicine, interventional pneumonology including endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS), interstitial lung disease, neuromuscular disease, cystic fibrosis and diving medicine.

Respiratory and sleep clinic

Friday 9.00 am 

Dr Paul Lilbrun  
Lung function laboratory

Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm

Lung function laboratory staff

Offers a range of lung function and exercise tests for both inpatients and outpatients. This includes; skin allergy testing, investigation for home oxygen, fitness to fly tests and saline challenge tests used for diagnosing asthma and suitability for scuba diving.

Nurses clinic

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8.30am


Our nurses clinic provides TB screening (TST/Mantoux), including screening for immigration, TB education and BCG vaccinations.

Sleep laboratory

Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm, plus overnight stays

Sleep laboratory staff
  • Offers both daytime and overnight sleep studies which require a referral. 
  • Help with mask fittings
  • Conducts machine downloads for compliance
  • Help if you are having problems with your machine and/or mask.


Bronchoscopy service

Tuesday, Thursday &  Friday 8.30am

Respiratory staff specicalists Performs bronchoscopy, EBUS, pleural tap for both inpatients and outpatients. Requires referral from a respiratory Specialist.
Smoking cessation
Asthma education
Respiratory clinical trials

Monday - Thursday 9.00am -5.00pm

Kerry Luttrell Provides individual counselling service to help patients and staff to quit smoking.  Offers outpatient asthma education.  Conducts clinical trials in asthma and COPD.


Our respiratory consultants:

Dr Nicholas Murray - (Head of Department)

Dr Elizabeth Brown

Dr Andrew Dimitri

Dr Milton Micallef

Dr Paul Hamor

Dr Chaminda Lewis

Dr Paul Lilburn

Prof Paul Thomas

To refer your patient use the electronic referral via Healthlink. See this webpage for further information around electronic referrals

Referrals for a sleep study require a STOP BANG and Epworth Sleepiness Score.